Open API

Performativ's Open API empowers developers to create customized applications and integrations, enabling seamless connectivity with third-party services. This flexibility allows wealth managers to receive data from and push data to the specific third-party systems they require. This versatility extends the software's functionality, ensuring it can adapt to meet the unique business requirements of wealth management firms, fostering greater efficiency and integration across the ecosystem.

Multi Family Offices

Performativ elevates MFO operations, customizing analytics for diverse portfolios and simplifying asset management. Navigate compliance effortlessly, foster trust, and redefine wealth management excellence

Multi Family Offices
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Investment Advisors

Experience financial advising redefined. Seamlessly manage vast portfolios, craft tailored reports, and tap into comprehensive data. With our proactive tools, not only elevate client success but also fortify advisor-client bonds for lasting business growth.

Investment Advisors
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The other platform features that reshapes how wealth managers perform